
Leandra Perrotta

Leandra Perrotta is a Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Trainer of Jungian Psychodrama, Dance Movement Therapy and Transgenerational Therapy. She is President of ITTA – International Transgenerational Therapy Association, Past President of FEPTO – European Federation of Psychodrama Training Organizations and Contract Professor at the University of Valle D’Aosta. She is trained in EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and also holds a degree in Anglo-American and French Literature. Leandra has developed an integrative model of Jungian Psychodrama and Dancetherapy and her main clinical and research interests are Psychogenealogy, Dreams, Sexuality and Trauma. Leandra has lead Psychodrama and Dance Therapy groups in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Croatia, Egypt, England, France, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lithuania, Norway, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United States and Ukraine.